B2B Tech Marketing Community Weekly Newsletter: April 16, 2020
2020 April 16 FOCUS: “B2B Marketer’s Survival Guide: Adapting to a Changed Landscape”:
Welcome back to our newsletter. It seems people have begun to cope with the new reality, while others are forced to find new work. Similarly, some companies are struggling while others are already investing to prepare for the eventual recovery.
So, today’s issue focuses on recent writings and survey results that provide insights into the options marketers are pursuing to survive as well as lay the groundwork for resumed growth.
What marketers can do now to cope as well as resume growth:
- The above graphic is from HubSpot; more superb data from March on what worked (or not) for their 70K customers – Link
- Preview of two tech CMOs insights on what companies can be and are doing now – Link
- Register for their live, interactive webcast on April 23 at 9 am PDT – Link
- Post from Scott Brinker of chiefmartec on making marketing more agile – Link
- McKinsey article on how to connect with customers in times of crisis – Link
- Apr 21 – 23: “DISCOVER MARTECH – A Virtual Event”; Register here
- Jun 16 – 18: San Jose Digital Marketing Conference; Register here
- August 26 – 27: Topo Summit 2020”; Register here
Thank you for reading our Newsletter. You can forward this link to others to subscribe.
We wish you a great week; thank you,
Krishnan Natarajan
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